Robert Schuman European Centre - CERS
Robert Schuman European Centre - CERS
Eurocubes : An explanation of Europe for young audiences
The goal of this animation is to introduce young audiences who were brought up in a world without intra-european frontiers to the cultural particularities of each member of the European Union.
In this activity, children construct totemic structures using wooden painted cubes that correspond to a particular european country. By placing the cubes in the correct order, the children uncover an illustration on each surface of the totem: a mythical figure, a culinary speciality, a renowned monument…. Following this, each totem is placed on top of a large sheet which depicts the map of the European Union. The animator then discusses the illustrations together with the children, explaining the history and symbols , singing with them, etc..
To reinforce their newfound knowledge , a typical object from each European country mentioned in the game is placed onto a table. The children must then place these items in place of the totems that correspond with them! At the end of the activity, each child recites a surprising fact about the European Union which serves as a reflection on the day’s encounter with Europe.
Objective: Enlighten and expose participants to Europe’s cultural dimension
Age: 5-7 years old
Duration: approx. 1h00
Price: €75 per group, with a maximum of 20 participants or +33 3 87 60 10 15