Robert Schuman European Centre - CERS
Robert Schuman European Centre - CERS
After several months of exchanges and hard work, it is finally here!
Discover the result of the "Onboarding Memories" project in which CERS collaborated with French, German, Polish and Italian partners to create a virtual museum composed of ten rooms on forced labour during the Second World War. This museum is now open day and night an dit is accessible by computer, mobile phone or - for those who have one - your virtual reality headset!
In this museum, you will find the work of different groups of young Europeans who share the local history of forced labor in a virtual rooms assorted by place or region.
The “Onboarding Memories” project enabled the young participants, including several members of CERS, to approach a common theme with local repercussions in a multiperspectivisit manner. This virtual museum, aims to highlight a part of history unknown to the general public in English on a European scale.
To reach the main room of the museum, click here: : Onboarding Memories Virtual Museum